Gratis Bücher The Mission of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, by Alex Grey
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The Mission of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, by Alex Grey

Gratis Bücher The Mission of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, by Alex Grey
Waren Sie schon in dieser Analyse hörte kann das Gehirn fördern, gut zu funktionieren? Einige Menschen denken wirklich, diesen Fall zu halten. Dennoch fügen viele Menschen auch, dass es nicht über die Analyse ist. Es hat damit zu tun, was Sie die Nachricht und Eindruck von Führungs nehmen könnten, die Sie heraus überprüfen. Nun, warum Sie glauben, dass dies durch tun? Aber wir sind sicher, dass die Analyse durch die Praxis und auch klug, kann der Besucher es sehr gut lesbar machen.
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Nach dem Herunterladen und Installieren der Soft - Dokumente dieses The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey, können Sie beginnen , es zu überprüfen. Ja, das ist so angenehm , während jemand , indem sie ihre großen Publikationen überprüfen müssen; Sie bleiben in der neuen Mittel nur um Ihre Gizmo Griff. Oder vielleicht arbeiten Sie am Arbeitsplatz; Sie können immer noch den Computer The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey vollständig zu lesen verwenden. Natürlich wird es sicherlich verpflichtet Sie nicht viele Seiten zu nehmen. Lediglich Seite für Seite auf den Moment abhängig , die Sie haben zu prüfen , The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey
Diese ganz einfache Mittel Nach dem Verständnis dieses zu lesen und auch bekommen The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey , warum Sie für andere nicht informieren über dies tun? Man könnte sagen andere diese Internet - Seite zu besuchen und entscheiden sie bevorzugte Bücher für die Suche The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey Wie zu erkennen, unten gibt viele Angebote , die mehrere Art Bücher bieten zu sammeln. Bereiten Sie einfach einige Zeit und Internet - Links Führer zu bekommen. Sie können wirklich das Leben zu schätzen wissen durch die Überprüfung The Mission Of Art: 20th Anniversary Edition, By Alex Grey in einer sehr einfachen Art und Weise.

“Alex Grey might be the most significant artist alive. In a world gone postmodern, bereft of meaning and value, cut loose on a sea of irony and indifference, Alex is taking a stunning stand: there is a God, there is Spirit, there is a transcendental ground and goal of human development and unfolding. Higher realities are available to us—that is the message of Alex Grey’s art and words in this book.”—from the foreword by Ken Wilber"Alex Grey's mission is nothing less than the transformation of our 'depleted world' through art that supports the evolution of human consciousness. He discusses the lives and work of artists throughout history, and his own journey, as examples of the higher mission of art, and encourages others to break out of the prevailing mood of irony and cynicism and create work with the heart and spirit." —Yoga Journal"An inspirational text for artists and for everyone else who has ever had a glimpse of art's power for personal catharsis and spiritual awakening." —Branches of Light"Grey's insistence that art should be a revelatory and healing force in our culture should resonate with artists in virtually any discipline." —Publishers Weekly
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Alex Grey is best known for his psychedelic depictions of the human body that “x-ray” the multiple layers of reality and reveal the interplay of anatomical and spiritual forces. His visionary paintings have been featured in venues as diverse as the album art of TOOL, the Beastie Boys, and Nirvana, as well as Newsweek magazine, the Discovery Channel, NYC’s Rose Planetarium, Burning Man, The New Museum, The San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, LSD blotter art, and countless tattoos worldwide. Alex Grey and his beloved, Allyson Grey, cofounded CoSM (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors), an Art Church in the Hudson Valley where a Sanctuary of Visionary Art is being built to benefit and uplift a global community.
Taschenbuch: 272 Seiten
Verlag: Shambhala; Auflage: Anniversary (27. November 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1611806755
ISBN-13: 978-1611806755
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
13,9 x 2 x 21,5 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.8 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 160.325 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Auch dies ein schönes Buch von Alex Grey, allerdings hauptsächlich eine theoretische Abhandlung über den Auftrag der Kunst - wie der Titel besagt - und da hat der Autor natürlich seine sehr persönliche Meinung, eine von Millionen möglichen. Mir persönlich gefällt seine Ansicht, obwohl ich auf finde, sobald etwas auf Papier ist, hat es auch im Negativen Sinn etwas Missionarisches an sich - deshalb nur drei Sterne. Diese dann aber doch für die schöne Gestaltung und Illustration des Buches.
My whole being shouts "yes!" as I join the brilliant philosopher Ken Wilber, (who wrote the Foreword) in proclaiming that visionary artist Alex Grey is perhaps the most soul-filled, divinely inspired artist alive today. I urge anyone who loves and appreciates art, especially art students, to make this book both a part of your "way of seeing," and "being in," the world.In The Mission of Art, Grey gives us a glimpse of his expanded transcendent view of reality, which includes dimensions seen and unseen. His sublime vision embraces the polarities of good and evil, beauty and horror, but ultimately transcends the limitations of both. His words and art bring us to a hauntingly familiar archetypal place within which is ultimately beyond these dualities. The ability to do this, as he with eloquent, gentle wisdom puts forth, is itself the "highest" of the many functions of art. Grey's dozens of illustrations, reminiscent of Blake but for me more transformative, fill the book with a noumenal force which several times brought me to poignant tears of divine remembrance. What makes Grey's work so powerfully authentic is that it is a product of his own direct experience of transpersonal states of consciousness. The highest function of the artist, he submits, is to capture the essence of this universal transcendent experience, and through art, share it as gifts to humanity. Grey not only shares these archetypal, imaginal realms with us but goes further. Bespeaking his spiritual maturity, Grey points to the necessity of going BEYOND all form in our inward journey that we will all one day take back our common Formless Source.Grey's art, and this book, itself fulfills the highest function of art by showing us what is on the other side of the inner veil, and potentially ushering us to its threshold. -Eliot Jay Rosen, author of Experiencing the Soul
As one who finds Alex Grey's works of art imbued with sacred truths I am delighted that he comes forward to share his insights in The Mission of Art. In this work Grey speaks from experience on mystical states and how they inform the creative process. He includes choice gleanings from various wisdom traditions and mystical literature that map, describe and otherwise illuminate the nature of the transcendental frontier. We can regard visionary artists as emissaries between the spirit and material worlds, who employ their craft to translate the ineffable truths encountered beyond the veil. And the art derived from such a vantage point speaks to the deepest and highest dimensions of our being. It nourishes the seeds of potential and advances the evolution of consciousness. As an artist, Grey believes it a moral imperative to remain true to the order of things, thus it is a moral offense to create art that would thwart the healthful harmonious unfolding of this order. In setting forth art's moral dimension Grey is sure to raise the ire of a vast contingent of the art world who contend that art is amoral. I eagerly await their rebuttals. Any discussion from this day forward must now reckon with The Mission of Art; as it shall be sited among the classics of the philosophy of art. ~Carol Price, author of Mystic Rhythms: The Philosophical Vision of Rush
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