Ebook-Download , by Agatha Christie
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, by Agatha Christie

Ebook-Download , by Agatha Christie
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Das Vorhandensein dieser Veröffentlichung wird von den Menschen im Land nicht nur identifiziert. Mehrere Kulturen von außen Nationen werden auch diese Publikation als Analyse Ressource lieben. Das faszinierende Thema und klassische Subjekt verwandeln sich in eine der alle Gründe, dieses Buch zu verwalten zu lesen. , By Agatha Christie enthält zusätzlich die interessante Verpackung von dem Cover-Design und dem Titel starten, wie der Autor der Zuschauer bringt in Worte zu erhalten, und wie der Autor den Inhalt schön informiert.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1627 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 272 Seiten
Verlag: HarperCollins; Auflage: Masterpiece Ed (14. Oktober 2010)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
17 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#21.274 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
I am a great fan of Agatha Christie I have all her books .And i already read this book ages ago But i could not find my bookSo after i saw on TV this story ,i was not pleased with the ending as they had changed the end of the storyI remember it differently so i bought this book to re-read the story .I was right they had changed it on the TV .I dont like it when the regisseurs are doing what they like with an Agatha Christie storyI prefer Agatha Christie story as it is .
Mr Shaitana regards crime as an art, especially if the murderer is not convicted. One day he invites Poirot to a dinner party where he shall meet four successful murderers. Apart from these people, there are also Superintendent Battle, Colonel Race and Mrs Oliver. During their dinner, Mr Shaitana starts talking about opportunities to commit crimes that are never detected - and by the end of the evening he is dead.Poirot, Battle, Race and Mrs Oliver start their investigations - and are faced with the problem that any of the four others had a chance to kill Mr Shaitana. To discover the truth, they have to find out what murders they committed in the past that Mr Shaitana could have known about...The brilliant thing about this book is that there are only four suspects and hardly any facts to go upon. There are no clues in the room that indicate a certain person, nor is there any question of time. The crime has to be purely solved by psychology - Poirot's favourite way of looking at things.I thoroughly enjoyed the book (especially since I guessed the right solution), and I recommend it to anyone who likes to approach a mystery from the psychological angle. If you prefer lots of clues, you probably won't like that book very much.
I enjoyed it . I don't see the need to say more. It's a classic mystery. That's that. No more.
The case of the Hound of Death. Strange premonitions of danger. A girl with four distinct personalities. A man haunted by recurring dreams about a gypsy. A house haunted by a dead child. A woman who hears her dead husband's voice through her wireless. The witness for the prosecution. A voice that only one man can hear crying for help at the same time every day. A house being haunted by a dead cat while another man loses his personality. A strange tune with terrific powers. The last seance held by an exhausted women. The message "SOS".Together these are twelve terrific, somewhat unusual cases from Agatha Christie. There is a great touch of the spiritual, as the author gives not only natural, but also supernatural explanations. The book is certainly worth reading, especially for fans who enjoy more mysterious stories.
Eines der besonders empfehlenswerten Bücher von Agatha Christie. Ein spannender Plot und eine raffinierte Suche nach den Lebensgeschichten der Hauptverdächtigen a la Hercule Poirot. Man kommt bis zum Schluß nicht auf die verwobenen Zusammenhänge und die wahre Identität des tatsächlichen Mörders, auch wenn man zwischendurch glaubt die Lösung zu erahnen. Trotzdem sehr glaubwürdig und überzeugend ausgearbeitet. Fesselnd bis zum Ende, ein Muss für alle Poirot-Fans!!!!!!!!Very ingenious and thrilling story of Agatha Christie. One of her best! Psychological research a la Hercule Poirot. You never really know who dunnit until the end. Really interesting characters and diving into the past of everyones life in the famous Belgian detectives own special way. Humorous and fascinating, I enjoyed it very much!
APPOINTMENT WITH DEATH is a perfect example of Agatha Christie's work; exotic locale, cast of interesting and varied characters, and, of course, MURDER. There are other Christie books that are more exciting or more clever than this, but she is in top form here. Characterizations have a bit more psychological depth here than in her other books; the monstrous mother and the near-psychotic daughter, in particular, stand out as memorable creations.Read the book and the play; Christie adapted the novel for the stage herself, and made two changes: she removed Poirot, and changed the identity of the murderer. Typical of Christie, both versions of the story work equally well.
Just a great Christie-thriller ! A moving story that touches the reader and makes him spellbound. Old Mrs Boynton is a real tyrant who constantly torments and tyrannizes her step-children. But not with blows or insults (after all it are adult children !!!) but with small psycho-tricks turn the young people into nervous wrecks. Even Mrs Boynton's own daugter has a bad time of it so that she gets ideas of madness. Neither an attractive beginning lady doctor nor a famous psychologist are able to help the children. So it is no wonder when the old lady dies at mysterious circumstances during the holiday. But who of the family was it ? All seem to lie and Hercule Poirot bets he was able to clear up the murder within twenty-four hours. It goes without saying that he is able to do it but no one would have imagined at his craziest dreams who finally will turn up as the offender.
This was my first Agatha Christie book, and I got it only after I realised that Hercule Poirot was the hero! Poirot has been the subject of a series of well acted TV programmes, each of which portrays one book. The actor who plays Poirot is superb and inspired me to read the books, hence my choice to buy "Appointment With Death". My previous preference for Mystery books has been P.D.James, who is also excellent (Her book "A Taste For Death" kept me hooked from start to finish!)The book added to the TV version/image of Poirot but Agatha Christie's writing really makes you feel as though you were there. As I was reading about their trip to Jerusalem, I found myself feeling the heat and the pent up frustrations of the characters. I also came to intensely dislike the murder victim and I am sorry to report that I thought the mother should have been murdered years before!!The end had a good twist, and the epilogue is also great. I recommend this as a good buy, especially for a new Agatha fan.
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